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March 22, 2025
Lots of Hand Stitching and Another Block from The Cozy Quilter

A few years ago, I stitched "Let it Bee".  I was cleaning up the top of my cutting table and found it in a pile, waiting to be framed.  I went to Stitch It Central this past week to buy some backing for the secret gift quilt that I have been working on and purchased a 5" hoop for my bee while I was there.  It was well overdue for being framed!  

I went to the weekly guild sewing day earlier this week and spent my time hand quilting the four HST blocks in my Arizona quilt.  The centre part ...

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March 18, 2025
Relaxing Hand Stitching from Joy of Quilting

 Block Printing - Hand Stitching 

I don't do a lot of Hand Stitching but whenever I do I find it So Relaxing.

Late last year I did some Fabric Stamping on some plain canvas Bags and Zip Pouches I bought from Amazon

Stamping, fabric,Amazon,

Block Printing 

The Fabric Stamping itself was very easy and fun to do.

I have quite a good selection of Wooden Stamps

Wooden printing blocks,colouricious,

Most from Colouricious

And I used some of the Stamped Bags as Gift Bags at Christmas.

The little zipper pouches have come in useful over the last few weeks as storage for my Little Janome Gem ...

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March 2, 2025
Just Got Home from a Quilting Retreat! from The Cozy Quilter

Three days and two nights of quilting!  I always bring more with me than I can possibly do while I am at a retreat but I like to have options in case I feel like changing projects.  However, by the time I left today, I only had one project that I did not touch.  Much was accomplished!  I started out slowly with a warm up projects.  I am making nine patch blocks for my Rainbow Scrap Challenge project this year.  March's colour is yellow.  They are a bit brighter than they appear in this picture.  The lighting in the ...

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February 23, 2025
A TaDa Moment! from The Cozy Quilter

This afternoon, I added the final stitches to my Winter Woods cross stitch!  There were lots of little stars to add in the sky of several pictures and a bit of backstitching, but not very much. I love this picture and look forward to getting it framed to hang up somewhere in my house next winter.  We have lots of snow right now, although not as much as many places north of us where roads have been closed for days on end as the snowplows try to clear the snow away. 

I spent some time at the sewing machine this ...

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February 12, 2025
Blue February block from Northern Deb Quilts


My current projects: 1. Hand quilting my vintage style quilt 2. Making monthly rainbow scrap challenge blocks (above), feb is blue 3. Still making triangular blocks for my Thousand Pyramids quilt. 

I decided to do a very large Bear Paw block for this year’s Rainbow Scrap Challenge. I really love these blocks. It’s going to be scraps of Kaffe or Amy Butler or whatever brighter pretty scraps are hanging around, then a coordinating solid. The background fabric is one I found as I cleaned and unpacked my sewing room. It was supposed to go with an animal quilt ...

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February 9, 2025
Slow Stitching and Knitting from Romany Quilting

It's about time I worked on my purple clam shell quilt again, goodness knows when I last got it out of the bag.  This project came with me to a monthly craft group I recently joined.  We can take anything we like to work on,  there was knitting and crochet happening, needle felting and one lady was setting up a hand loom, that looked rather tricky to me.  After doing big stitch hand quilting around all the clam shells, I'm now up to the borders.  I won't tell you just how old this project is, but believe ...

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Slow Stitching Report from The Cozy Quilter

I finished off the second diamond hand quilting this week and then started on the squares at the top of the Arizona quilt. I'm working on quilting a quarter inch along the gray background. As I quilt, I am thinking about what I am going to do next. I'm still undecided about whether to quilt a circle in the middle of each square...we will see. 

I have finished the tree section now on my Winter Woods cross stitch.  This picture was taken before I was quite done.  The next section is started now.  Who knows?  Can I ...

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February 2, 2025
Slow Stitching Saturday! from The Cozy Quilter

Today was the annual Vice President's day at the Oxford Guild.  Many quilters were working on Anita's Arrowhead blocks, a pattern chosen by our VP, but I decided to bring along some hand stitching to work on instead.  Earlier in the week, I thread basted my Arizona quilt so that I could hand quilt it.  I am using 28 wt grey Aurifil thread for big stitching.  So far, so good!

I had several opportunities this week to add stitches to my Winter Woods cross stitch project.  The deer is done and I also did the snowflake.  I am ...

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January 22, 2025
Designing the Ultimate Sewing Studio for Creatives from Sew French

In a heartfelt journey of transformation, we embraced change, moving closer to our grandchildren, and creating a new dream studio. Through meticulous design and cherished memories, I built a space brimming with intention, comfort, and inspiration. Blessed with love, light, and creativity, it reflects a life dedicated to passion and purpose. Continue reading

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January 6, 2025
Proud To Be An American from Sew French

For many Christmas’s, my five siblings, and I, rotated through our names and each made a hand crafted gift for another. I almost always make a quilt. I had previously made three (sadly no photo of the first…) for this … Continue reading

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December 20, 2024
Crafting a Custom Sized Freewheeling Single Girl Quilt from Sew French

This is the second time I’ve made this Freewheeling Single Girl quilt. The first time was for our oldest granddaughter’s high school graduation in 2017. Both times I resized the rings so you got more rings per quilt. To make … Continue reading

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December 12, 2024
Kokomo (Stars Upon Stars) Hand Quilting from Wendy's Quilts and More

And now to Part D of my posts on Kokomo (Stars Upon Stars)

D. Hand Quilting

I always knew that I would hand quilt my Kokomo. I wanted to say that it was entirely made by me. 

However, with so many tiny pieces in this quilt there are a lot of seam allowances to quilt through. 

I used Aurifil 24wt because it's fine and strong and perfect for hand quilting.  I didn't want the quilting to stand out, so I used colours that blended into the fabrics.   

You can read more about how I hand quilt on this ...

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November 29, 2024
Kokomo (Stars Upon Star) Assembly from Wendy's Quilts and More

And now to Part C of my posts on Kokomo (Stars Upon Stars)

C. Assembly

I chose to hand piece my quilt because I knew it would give the me level of accuracy and finishing that I was after.  And I won an award for "Best Piecing" in our guild's exhibition so it worked!

I English Paper Pieced my La Passacaglia quilt, but now I much prefer hand piecing with no papers because it's easier on my hands.  

I was fortunate to stumble across a rubber stamp set for hand piecing Stars Upon Stars made by Jeanneke.  The ...

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November 22, 2024
Bramble Blooms Quilts are Progressing and A Couple New Starts! from Quilty Folk

Though I try to keep the open ended projects at 10 or less, a couple projects just demanded to be started this month. First off is the barely-there start to a very large improv. style Log Cabin quilt. It's going to be golds, cream, brown, black, green and rusty reds. Had to start it before the snow fell or it might end up being another year!

Feels good to start something new!
That put me at 10 projects, but then.... I just couldn't resist. So I went ahead and started what I'm calling 'This Old Friend'. The ...

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August 11, 2024
"Enjoying Alaska" on Free Motion Mavericks from Quilting & Learning

Hi and welcome. It's been a busy and very hot week here. Other than taking Poppy out for short walks, I've been staying indoors (estivating) where it's cool. When there is humidex in the middle of the night, you know that it's hot!

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August 9, 2024
Kokomo (Stars Upon Satrs) Planning the colours from Wendy's Quilts and More

This is Part B of a series of posts explaining how I make my version of Stars Upon Stars.  

B. Planning the colours

 1. External stars in the blocks. 

A key design feature of the original Stars Upon Stars quilt is that each block is unique.  I decided replicate that idea by using different fabrics and colours for the external stars of each block. I opted for tone on tone fabrics in most cases, and tried to use every colour within my limited colour range - blue, aqua, green, pink, orange and yellow.  If I repeated a colour I used a ...

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July 21, 2024
A Busy Week from The Cozy Quilter

Ta Da!  My Put a Ring On It is done!  I took this class during QuiltCon Together in February 2021 with Latifah Saffir, using her clammy rulers.  I had the top done reasonable quickly but could not decide how I wanted to quilt it.  This quilt kept telling me to hand quilt it, which I ignored until this Spring.  By then, it was screaming to be hand quilted so I got to work.  I used 28 wt Aurifil thread in green for the big stitch quilting.  I'm really happy with this project! I will be hanging it on the ...

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July 18, 2024
Jen Kingwell Halo Quilt Finished! from Tea Rose Home

I finished piecing this quilt in September of last year (no I didn't remember this info, I just went back and saw my post on Instagram), and I finally finished hand quilting it last month. I have a good excuse for why it took so long... I was making two other quilts for my son who was getting married. That will be another post, but today, I am ready to share this one. The pattern is designed by one of my most favorite Aussie quilt designer Jen Kingwell and called Halo.
Not only do I love scrappy quilts, I ...

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July 14, 2024
Kokomo (Stars Upon Stars) Fabric Selection from Wendy's Quilts and More

Thank you for all the lovely comments on my Kokomo quilt.  As promised I'm going to explain more about how I made it - both for anyone thinking about making one themselves, and for my personal record, because after all, that's what blogs are for.

A. Fabric selection

I loved Tula Pink's Zuma range as soon as I saw it and I knew I wanted to use it for something special so I decided to use it for my version of Stars Upon Stars - Kokomo.  As soon as the block started coming together I knew I had made ...

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On a Roll! from The Cozy Quilter

 For some reason, I was really in the mood to sew this week.  It was too hot or rainy outside so I spent my time in my sewing room, playing with fabric.  I finished hand quilting my Put a Ring On It wall hanging, trimmed it and added the binding by machine.  I will work on hand stitching the binding tomorrow. I can't believe how much I enjoyed hand quilting this project...maybe I will have to do some more hand quilting again soon. 

I also finished the cross stitching on my Lupins project and I have started the ...

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